» Download Mastering LibGDX Game Development Patrick Hoey 9781785289361 Books
Chandra Tran on Sunday, April 14, 2019
Download Mastering LibGDX Game Development Patrick Hoey 9781785289361 Books
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51e6IRFDeOL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg Product details - Paperback 420 pages
- Publisher Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (November 26, 2015)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1785289365
Mastering LibGDX Game Development Patrick Hoey 9781785289361 Books Reviews
- I should declare up front that I purchased this book directly from Packt and was asked to review it for them. I was not asked to give a good review, however.
If you are after an in-depth libGDX book then this one is for you. If you also want a comprehensive introduction into the complexities, and potential solutions, of developing an RPG then you get an added bonus, because that is in there too.
There were only two things I do not like about the code. The first was the use of underscores for member variables and the second was the use of a lot of static variables and functions.
One thing I really do like is that the book itself does not reproduce page after page of the code just to fill it out - it explains concepts and then includes snippets. Closely related classes are not reproduced in the book at all, but are mentioned as having to be implemented by the reader.
This is not a "hello world" project, so expect to be challenged. - It's a solid book to read IF you have some experience under your belt and are willing to dissect the code from their website yourself. Often you will find that the author is implementing classes that he has yet to go through the process of creating, and that along with the odd naming style of putting an underscore before anything will make it quite a bit harder to read if you're not used to it. Other than that it is a great choice for the intermediate programmer who wants to get more techniques in his tool box.
- In depth analysis of libgdx aspects
- Covers an assortment of problems
- Source code
- Assets
- Time lord structure
- Chicken scratch code - Great book that teaches RPG aspects to develop cross platform games with Libgdx! Another awesome addition to the Growing Libgdx Library!
- If you're a programmer and interesting in game development, this book is for you, please note this is not a beginner book, you should have a idea of Object Oriented Programming and there are many resources online that can teach you the basics.
- "Mastering LibGDX Game Development" shows the process of creating RPG's really good. The game architecture is shown very detailed. Sometimes it's a bit hard to follow the author because you have to read the source code (which is available for free when you bought the book) when the author adds things to the code but doesn't says anything about it. The book is a great choice for intermediate programmers who want to get a good knowledge about LibGDX and creating RPG's. For beginners it might be very hard to understand.
- This is one of mediocre programming books I've read. The author tries to provide detailed code samples, but the way he organizes them is generally messy. It teaches you to make a tiled-based RPG, which is not a bad idea, but you have to follow(or more likely, copy and paste) code through 100 pages to get a compilable example. To make things worse, it starts from loading and rendering the map, introducing advanced concepts like map layer and virtual viewport, while the natural way is to make the character controllable and then add new features one by one. Supposedly, Most readers know what tiled-based RPGs look like well, but this approach may baffle younger aspiring programmers. Later chapters suffer from similar issues.
Also, the code quality is not great. Lots of redundant code, bad variable naming, etc. They do work most of the time; however, for a book sold at ~50 dollars I expected a higher standard.