Read Online The Russian Revolution World War to Civil War 19171921 Images of War Nik Cornish 9781848843752 Books

By Chandra Tran on Monday, April 15, 2019

Read Online The Russian Revolution World War to Civil War 19171921 Images of War Nik Cornish 9781848843752 Books,204,203,200_.jpg

Product details

  • Series Images of War
  • Paperback 128 pages
  • Publisher Pen and Sword; 1st Edition edition (July 19, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1848843755

The Russian Revolution World War to Civil War 19171921 Images of War Nik Cornish 9781848843752 Books Reviews

  • This book looks at the Russian Civil War, a conflict which began during the last stages of WWI and was fought well after the guns in the West stopped firing.

    The Russian Civil War is not an easy conflict to write about, as it had many sides and was fought over large areas by different groups at different stages of the war. The author did an admirable job of discussing the fight between the Bolsheviks (Reds), the Whites (Imperialists), the Greens (Nationalists), and the Blacks (Anarchists). The only thing missing was a map, so you can follow the geographic movements of the various armies involved.

    The photos are good, but there are not as many of them as I expected, having read several other books in this "Images of War" series. Perhaps the intention was to use many photos which are previously unpublished. If so, they have succeeded, but the reason that many of these were not previously published is because they are not as good as the often-reproduced photos.

    I recommend this book to anyone reading up on this topic.
  • Very informative. Would recommend this book to any history buff!
  • Nik Cornish's THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION, WORLD WAR TO CIVIL WAR 1917-1921 is a comprehensive, nicely-illustrated overview of events in Russian from 1917 to 1921 when Bolsheviks and Anti-Bolsheviks battled for control of Mother Russiain in a pitiless Civil War that saw millions of Russians slain.. Part of Pen & Sword's IMAGES OF WAR series, it provides a useful, easy-to-understand guide to some horrendous history.

    Considering the fact that other volumes on the Russian Civil War top off at 300 pages or more, Coriish does a good job of tracing events following the Tsar;'s abdication as the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ignited armed conflict between the Bolsheviks led by Lenin and Trotsky and various other Anti-Bolshevik White/Red/Green forces. The fighting steadily escalated as various political and ethnic groups joined the fighting as did British/French/American forces who intervened, sending troops to topple the Bolsheviks. The war eventually raged over all of the former Russian Empire, all the way to Siberia. When the war ended in 1921, Lenin had won his 'Worker's Paradise' but at the cost of 8-13 million Russian dead, roughly 10% of the prewar population of Russia.

    Cornish's comprehensive text is complimented by over 180 photographs and illustrations. The images are a big plus. Many of the images are new to me and quite interesting, depicting various combatants, units and weapons from that long-ago conflict.

    Thus far the IMAGES OF WAR series has yielded uneven results. I think THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION is one of the better efforts i've seen in a long time. It does a good job of explaining a horribly complex, wide-ranging war and illustrates that conflict with fascinating imagery. Recommended.